

Hadi Eldebek

The 1 Car, 3 Musicians, 5 Boroughs project was proposed as an act of service to bring a message of hope, joy, and community to people in NYC. After a week of planning, the team of 5 (calling themselves the Brooklyn Nomads) met in Brooklyn on Wednesday, June 17, at 9:30am and tested their battery powered amplifier and camera, before heading to Staten Island for rental truck pick-up.

Staten Island, their first stop, showed early on the impact of the experience; people stopping by, peeking out of their home and car windows, pulling out their phones, coming out of their houses and buildings to dance, smile, wave, and share thanks for the project. From there, they went to Brooklyn, then Queens, Manhattan, and last but not least, the Bronx.

They stationed at fixed locations to ensure security, but drove around while playing in Staten Island and in Brooklyn. The impact was real, all across the boroughs, for both the old and young, the financially well off and the financially challenged. The team consisted of Mohamad Eldebek on derbakke, Kai on trumpet, Yara Murr on camera, Ali El Taei on logistic support, and Hadi Eldebek on buzuq, vocals, and project management.

We did not know what to expect when we started. By the time we were done, 9:30pm, we were filled with a sense of gratitude for the joy we brought to the people that saw us. It was quite the tangible evidence of how music impacts communities positively. We want to do it again, we want to do it more, and we want to do it often.

About Hadi Eldebek
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